Sunday, January 28, 2007
NUS Air Rifle Shooting Championships 2007 1:53 AM

Practice/Briefing Day: 20/01/2007

Are we late? Or just too early...Sian... Still have lecture...
Yay... Finally can shoot already!
just take your time...
Your target wouldn't run away...
Enemy spotted...
Taking fire... Need asistance!

Reloading... Reloading...
Yay... my scoring is the best!

No, not yours! mine is the best!
(note: each cadet was given 5 pellets,
yet he can have 6 holes on his scoring board.
Pro right!)

Unit Structure
St. Andrew’s Secondary
National Police Cadet Corps

Officer-in-Command (OC):
ASP Roshnah Begum Mohd Abbas

Our Officers:
TO Ms. Alethia Tan
TO Ms. Nanthini Viswanathan
TO Ms. Angel Lee
TO Mr. Jasper

Our CI:
CI Brandon Ang

Squad Commanders:

hit counter