Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Trainings and Sec 3 Shoot 8:47 PM

Sec 1 - NO Training for 10/4 and 11/4

Sec 2 - Training 8-12pm 11/4

Sec 3 - NO Training for 10/4 and 11/4

15th April - Dry Shoot (Must attend before classification shoot)
Time: 2.00pm at Big Steps
Attire: PT Kit
Transport to and fro: Provided

16th April - Classification Shoot
Time: 2.00pm at Big Steps
Attire: Full-Uniform
Transport to and fro: Provided

Unit Structure
St. Andrew’s Secondary
National Police Cadet Corps

Officer-in-Command (OC):
ASP Roshnah Begum Mohd Abbas

Our Officers:
TO Ms. Alethia Tan
TO Ms. Nanthini Viswanathan
TO Ms. Angel Lee
TO Mr. Jasper

Our CI:
CI Brandon Ang

Squad Commanders:

hit counter